Our Partner: 1 win


Note from the president

“The Graphic Communications Scholarship Foundation is dedicated to sponsoring, educating, mentoring &
promoting the future leaders of our industry.”

– Ellen Hurwitch, GCSF President



To provide a 
career focused learning experience for New York area regional students pursuing careers in Design and Graphic Communications. Through a structured alignment between students & industry professionals, the GCSF Mentoring Program will provide hands-on experience with professionals within Advertising, Publishing Design and Printing.




  • Work Environment Experience: students visit leading companies for observation and participation in work related tasks
  • Company Projects or Assignments: students may be involved in active projects where appropriate
  • In Person Meetings: general coaching & review of goals.
  • Plant Tours: visits and tours of mentor corporate operations
  • Phone Support: scheduled calls for general guidance, discussion or question & answer
  • Industry Awareness: students attend regional industry events



Student Testimonials


“Without the funding provided by GCSF, I’m honestly not sure where I would
be or what I’d be studying right now. But I can’t imagine doing anything but Graphic Design and I’m forever thankful to everyone who’s volunteered their time to put this scholarship fund together 
to help students like myself get a huge head start in the creative industry.” –   Monique Sterling, FIT


“I can say without a 
doubt that GCSF 
has opened many 
doors for me in 
the industry of 
and design. Thanks to the foundation, I’ve had the opportunity to work on projects that have greatly increased my skill set as a designer. The GCSF events are always informative and offer students a competitive advantage on industry insiders.” – Natalie Alcide, NYC College Of Technology


“GCSF helps to boost my confidence as a designer and exposed me to a community that is passionate about their work. Their assistance of mentorship and design contests goes beyond the scholarships they offer to students.” – Joshua Martinez, FIT


“GCSF has 
been extremely 
supportive of my 
college education
 with the financial
 support & creative
 resources provided for me and other students. I’m also thankful of the GCSF for understanding and encouraging the importance of graphic communications in our lives, especially in this digital age.” – Andrew Teoh, SVA Alum

Enroll in Mentorship Today


Registration information

For Students:

Register at:  http://icte.us/gcsfny/student-sign-up/

Please fill out your personal profile survey
 to be matched with an industry professional in your area of study.

For Mentors:

Register at:  http://icte.us/gcsfny/

Please fill out our profile survey
 to be matched with a talented student that can benefit from your industry experience and knowledge


Our mentor companies