Our Partner: 1 win
Prior Attended
Hearst Magazines
Scholarship Award
Ms. Vanna Chan Thomas A. Edison CTE High School Parsons The New School For Design
DEER Foundation / The Foundation for IDEAlliance Scholarship Award Ms. Elyssa M. Kohlhagen John Jay High School Syracuse University
Navigators Club of NY – Scholarship Trust Award Mr. Brian J. Orellana High School of
Art and Design
SUNY Purchase College
Rosemont Press and Spectragraphic
Harry Meredith/ Doug Gough Memorial Scholarship Awards
Ms. Jessica R. DeAngelis Eastport South Manor High School SUNY Purchase College
Heidelberg and Star Communications
Scholarship Awards
Ms. Lea Orsini Westwood Regional
High School
University of Hartford
William Charles Printing and Ocean Printing Scholarship Awards Mr. Christopher M. Duncan Bayside High School School of Visual Arts
Envelopes.com and Reliable Paper Recycling Scholarship Awards Ms. Patricia S. Chang Bayside High School SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
American Development Group and Dr. Lorraine Fournier Scholarship Awards Mr. Stephen J. Reisig Massapequa High School Long Island University – Post
Jerry Sapper / King Displays Scholarship Award Ms. Tina Chen High School for Dual Language and Asian Studies Parsons Scholars Program
Lusitania Benci Harter Memorial Scholarship Award Mr. James Berry John Dewey High School Parsons Scholars Program
Frances and Joseph Kennedy Memorial Scholarship Award Ms. Madeeha Sheikh Midwood High School Parsons Scholars Program
Big Apple Big Hearts Sandy Relief Scholarship Award Ms. Shannon Berry William Howard Taft High School, Woodland Hills, CA Parsons The New School For Design
Big Apple Big Hearts Sandy Relief Scholarship Award Ms. Hillary Sells Bernards High School, Bernardsville, NJ Parsons The New School For Design
2nd 3rd and 4th YEAR SCHOLARSHIPS
HP Indigo and Hudson Yards Scholarship Awards Mr. Mark A. Andriella 4 SUNY Purchase College
Candid Litho Printing and Graphic Paper NY Scholarship Awards Ms. Monique O. Sterling 4 SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Master Printers Madeline M. Kaufmann Scholarship Award Ms. Elizabeth Zalewski 3 School of Visual Arts
Typographers Association of NY – Annette Sullivan Memorial Scholarship Award Mr. Lindsay James Soto 3 School of Visual Arts
Trend Offset Printing and Recognition Systems Scholarship Awards Mr. Joshua S. Martinez 2 SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
Printing Industries Alliance/ Franklin Event Scholarship Award Ms. Joanna L. Raymund 3 Rochester Institute of Technology
Printing Industries Alliance/ Franklin Event Scholarship Award Ms. Chloe A. Thomas 2 Rhode Island School of Design
The Standard Group Scholarship Award Ms. Viktoriya V. Tsoy 2 School of Visual Arts
DWS Printing Scholarship Award Ms. Roxana Santana 3 Parsons The New School For Design
Brooklyn By Design Scholarship Award sponsored by NAK Integrated Ms. Samantha H. Schaevitz 2 Pratt Institute
Xeroxÿ Corp. Scholarship Award Ms. Corinna P. Seto 3 Virginia Commonwealth University
Metro Creative Graphics / E. Richard Zimmerman Memorial Scholarship Award Ms. Natalie S. Alcide 3 CUNY Hunter College
Matthew D. Bernius Memorial Scholarship Award Ms. Olivia S. Goree-Cunningham 4 Rochester Institute of Technology